The Town of Mount Pleasant is working on some important infrastructure projects. Most of these projects implement portions of the Town's Water and Sewer Master Plan that was adopted in 2007 for which the Town has recently secured funding.
Empire Drive Sewer Pump Station and Sewer Line
Project Description: This project will retire the old Mountainbrook and Food Lion Pump Stations and serve the new Brighton Park subdivision. Click here to see a composite map of all proposed sewer improvements.
Schedule: Work is scheduled to begin in the late spring of 2024 and be completed before spring 2025.
Funding Source: Portion of $6,048,000 USDA Low Interest Loan
Sewer Line and Manhole Rehabilitation (A, B, C, Wade, and Reid Streets)
Project Description: This project will replace old clay sewer lines and manholes with new sewer lines and manholes along C Street, B Street, A Street, Wade Street, and Reid Street. Click here to see a composite map of all proposed sewer improvements.
Schedule: Work is expected to begin at the end of August 2024 and be completed by December 2024. Street paving is also part of this project.
Funding Source: Remainder of of $6,048,0000 USDA Low Interest Loan
Water Distribution Improvements (12-inch Water Mains)
Project Description: This project will replace old 6-inch water lines (most installed in 1937) with new 12-inch water mains along Main Street (North Drive to Lee Street), Franklin Street (Skyland Drive to Blueberry Street), Cook Street (Main Street to N. Washington Street), and Highway 49 (Main Street to Highway 73 interchange). This project will improve both water quality and fire flow throughout the Town. Click here to view the proposed improvements map.
Schedule: This project is scheduled to begin February 10, 2025 with completion by the end of the year.
Funding Source: $9,888,029 State Budget allocation from federal ARPA funds
Lower Adams Creek Sewer Outfall
Project Description: This project was originally planned to be completed by the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) in 2009. The project never came to fruition, so the Town is picking up the project where it left off. This project will retire the Summer Street and Pasture pump stations. . Click here to view the proposed Lower Adams Creek Sewer Outfall map. Click here to see a composite map of all proposed sewer improvements.
Schedule: This project is scheduled to to begin March 3, 2025 with completion by March 2026.
Funding Source: $5,822,971 State Budget allocation from federal ARPA funds
Water Intake & Treatment Improvements
Project Description: The Town has been working with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and three different consulting engineers to determine the necessary water intake and treatment upgrades and changes to improve drinking water quality and bring disinfection byproduct levels into compliance.
Schedule: A recommendation report is expected in Febrary 2025. The implementation and installation of improvements will begin March 2025 and will take place in phases as funding is avalilable.
Funding Source: $1,000,000 State Budget allocation from federal ARPA funds (redirected by technical correction in state budget from S. Skyland Drive/Allman Road extension water lines). Additional funding is being pursued to complete needed improvements.
N. Washington Street Sidewalk
Project Description: The Town adopted an NCDOT-funded Pedestrian Project Accleration Plan in 2020 and has been pursung funding to complete priority sidewalk segments since that time. The first sidewalk project will complete 900 feet of sidewalk, curb & gutter on the southern end of N. Washington St. between Park Drive and E. Franklin Street. This also includes a new stormwater culvert and slightly wider travel lanes. Phase 2 on S. Washington Street is not included in this project.
N. Washington Street cut-sheet excerpt from Project Acceleration Plan
Schedule: Engineering and permitting is currently underway. The project is expected to go to bid in early May 2025. Preparations are being made to either move or remove the house at 8563 E. Franklin Street (currently owned by the Town) to facilitate this project.
Funding Source: In the state's 2023 budget, $2.7 million was directed to the Town of Mount Pleasant to complete priority sidewalk segments.
Franklin Street Sidewalks
Project Description: The Town adopted an NCDOT-funded Pedestrian Project Accleration Plan in 2020 and has been pursung funding to complete priority sidewalk segments since that time. There were three segments identified on Franklin Street: Duchess Drive to Halifax Street, Halifax Street to Main Street, and Main Street to Blueberry Street. The Town is working with NCDOT to design a project for one or more of these segments to stay within available funds. Click here for excerpts from the Project Acceleration Plan. Each segment is being evaluated for feasibility with available funds.
Franklin Street (Duchess Drive to Halifax Street) cut-sheet from Project Acceleration Plan
Franklin Street (Halifax Street to Main Street) cut-sheet from Project Acceleration Plan
Franklin Street (Main Street to Blueberry Street) cut-sheet from Project Acceleration Plan
Schedule: The Town is currently working with NCDOT to determine which segments can be completed within available funds. It is anticipated that at least one segment would begin in the 2025-26 fiscal year. A extension will be needed to utilize designated funding.
Funding Source: Remainder of $2.7 million after completion of N. Washington Street as a match with federal CMAQ/CRP grant funding.