Big Plans for Mount Pleasant are Underway.

At its February 11 meeting, the Mount Pleasant Town Board of Commissioners approved a contract with WesTech/Swire Water (working with ClearWater Inc), the entities that acquired the manufacturer (Neptune) of the Town's original early 1980s water treatment plant.  The proposal comes after 6 months of intensive water sampling/testing throughout the system and engineering necessary to determine the best course of action to upgrade the plant and improve water quality.  The company will be replacing the internal components and filter media of the water treatment plant at a cost of $611,136.00.  The components are specific to the Town's plant, and fabrication will take 12 to 14 weeks.  Installation is expected to take place in late spring of 2025.  The updates will help improve filtration going foward.  Additional improvements to the water treatment and storage system are still under development, and more information will be provided as it becomes available.

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